2024 Event Info
Vendor Information
Hello Fibre Friends,
I hope you are doing well. The days are getting warmer and we are looking forward to spring in Saskatchewan.
The time has come for us to start promoting you and the beautiful work you sell. It is time to change things up, folks. This is the year we are trying to do something different. Put on your creative hats and let your fingers tickle your keyboard (or employ a teenager to do the work for you – they are really good at social media).
We all know that video attracts attention in the social media sphere. And we want to attract as much attention as we can.
With this in mind, we are encouraging you to create a video or slideshow giving people a snippet of who you are and what you do. If you are comfortable in front of the camera, share a video. If not, create a slideshow and share that. Start your video/slideshow with “
This is me
!” Mention that you are going to the Biggar Fibre Fair on June 11, 2022. Clear as mud?
This is what you do.
Create your video – Start with “This is me!” and mention that you are going to the Biggar Fibre Fair on June 11, 2022.
Share this video on your social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram, anytime in
April 2022
. That gives you a month to plan and create!
Tag @Biggarfibrefair
Use the hashtags #Biggarfibrefair2022 and #Thisisme
Send us an email letting us know that you created the post.
We’ll schedule the re-posts throughout May to introduce you to our shoppers and create a buzz around the Biggar Fibre Fair.
Indicates required field
Business name:
Facebook link:
It does not have to be professionally produced. Have fun with it!
If you need help, please reach out to me between now and April. I can help with ideas and general how-to. I would love to share what I know and learn from you.
Please reach out if you have any questions. We try to respond as quickly as possible and it is always best to reach us at
[email protected]
Jayne, Rhonda and Carlene
The Biggar Fibre Fair gals
2024 Event Info